Best Food Delivery App In Nirmal

AboutAbout Us

Smart Nirmal is the official brand of the firm Sri Vijaya Laxmi Smart Stores and Services, India’s first town automation initiative company We are aiming to deliver top-notch delivery services to every home in the country, including villages, outskirts, towns, and tier 2/3 cities in India.

About Smart Nirmal?

Smart Nirmal is the official brand of the firm Sri Vijaya Laxmi Smart Stores and Services

India’s first town automation initiative company We are aiming to deliver top-notch delivery services to every home in the country, including villages, outskirts, towns, and tier 2/3 cities in India.

We provide fresh meat, including fish, groceries, fresh fruits & vegetables, and dairy products to multiple cities and towns. Also identified major serviceable areas that ease customer's life more easy. Started implementing those services as well like doctor appointments, technician based services etc...

35 k +
Happy Customers
10 +
Service Modules
Why Choose

Top reasons for being to Chose Smart Nirmal Employee, Partner

  • On-Time Delivery and Support
  • End to End Encryption
  • 35k Base In a Single City
  • Our transparency draws loyalists from the market
  • Our tech support learns to become ultimately and purely #selfreliant!
  • Our team knows how to tackle difficult situations with end-customers or listed vendors
  • Our team continually upgrades the quality of the service provided to each stakeholder
  • Our task is to maintain trust and respect each of our customers
  • Employees find promising work culture at Smart Nirmal

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