About us


What is Smart Nirmal?

Smart Nirmal is the official brand of the firm Sri Vijaya Laxmi Smart Stores and Services, India’s first town automation initiative company We are aiming to deliver top-notch delivery services to every home in the country, including villages, outskirts, towns, and tier 2/3 cities in India.

We provide fresh meat, including fish, groceries, fresh fruits & vegetables, and dairy products to multiple cities and towns. Also identified major servicebale areas that ease custoers life more easy. Started implementing thoe services as well like doctor appointments, technician based services etc...

Why Is Working With Smart Nirmal The Best Choice In 2020 & Beyond?

There are principles that everyone associated with Smart Nirmal has to follow. These principles are rooted in a firm’s vision, mission, and values. Therefore, working with Smart Nirmal is fun for those who always want to upgrade their career lifeline. 

Top reasons for being a Smart Nirmal employee or partner are:

Our transparency draws loyalists from the market

We are transparent about our beliefs, values, and delivery protocol. Our customers can reach us with the firm's careful, and a trustable customer executive team that we are building.

Thus, we would always need empathetic people, understand the need of the customer, and are problem-solvers with utmost transparency. With this kind of clarity at different levels, we know that customers will trust us more than others always. 

Our tech support learns to become ultimately and purely #selfreliant!

IT specialists and experts working with Smart Nirmal know the core value of being self-reliant. We keep training them regularly to be updated with the latest tech support that our customer needs or demands.

More than that, those whom we hire are passionate, curious, and would love to learn what Smart Nirmal has to offer at every stage of their career. Therefore, there is exponential learning available for every beginner and expert IT employee at Smart Nirmal.

This is in line with our mindset to become self-reliant and hire those who value deadlines, time crunch, scheduled projects, and much more.

It is equally vital for us to have such a team to deliver the best home delivery services to our customers. Our tech support team ensures that logistics are carried forward without troubling any party involved in the entire supply chain management.

Our team knows how to tackle difficult situations with end-customers or listed vendors

Customer executives and relationship managers play an essential role at Smart Nirmal. They learn to tackle difficult, erratic, and unknown situations vividly every day. We give such employees a vast ground to explore their positives, work on their negatives, grab the possible opportunities, and beware of prevailing threats in the market.

Every manager working at Smart Nirmal, associated with different departments, is liable to deal with customers and vendors daily. The numbers keep increasing. They will also deal with cross-functional managers. 

This gives every individual a chance to grow, learn from their mistakes, and propose a better initiative at Smart Nirmal to take the entire organisation forward. Here, at Smart Nirmal, every employee is valued immensely. Thus, we hear their suggestions, feedback, and voice. 

So, whatever challenges they face in regards to the vendor management, inventory management, data maintenance, or customer-supplier relationship maintenance, the senior officials at Smart Nirmal are always there to support the subordinates and drive them to the ultimate peak of their career in the organisation.

Our team continually upgrades the quality of the service provided to each stakeholder 

As a popular Japanese formula, Kaizen, we too believe in constant and continuous improvement. Therefore, those working with Smart Nirmal will never run out of opportunities to grow tenfold for the years ahead.

This teamwork improvises the quality of the delivery to be made to the customer on demand. But, of course, the team members need to constantly upgrade their knowledge and training, which Smart Nirmal provides with modules like on-the-job training and workshops.

In short, every employee will be prioritising the quality of the service demanded by any stakeholder interested in working with/for Smart Nirmal.

This eye for quality of service is what needs to be sharpened over time. Smart Nirmal provides the ultimate opportunity to its employees for honing their attention to detail, whether it is related to follow-ups, vendor/inventory management, checking the packaging, web designs, online branding, and feedback.

Each team has a different project to look after at Smart Nirmal. They will be specialising in those tasks, bringing more quality into the entire supply chain of each product or service that we will be offering for the coming years.

Our task is to maintain trust and respect each of our customers

Having transparency in the delivery system is one task, but maintaining the respect and trust of t a customer or client is another. Thus, those who want to make a stable career at Smart Nirmal will be learning the difference between transparency and trust. 

With the clear information and the value of trust, employees will be trained to reduce the errors and focus on the perfection of the tasks and projects assigned to deliver on time.

More than that, employees also get to experiment, learn, and apply their people’s skills art at Smart Nirmal. We need to always be in touch with our repeated as well as potential customers.

This helps us to serve each one of them better. For example, we are selling groceries; it's highly likely that we will get more repeat orders. Then we teach our employees to market their strategies with customers, according to the service they are working for at Smart Nirmal.

Employees find promising work culture at Smart Nirmal

Internal work culture is one of the crucial aspects without which even the specialists find it difficult to survive. Thus, Smart Nirmal focuses on better career opportunities with timely Redressal, appraisal, feedback, promotions, relocations, and much more.

Our employees are extremely taken care of with the robust HR and grievance department. We also focus on the safety of everyone in the workplace. We will also be promoting occasional work from home for those who can. Then, we keep in line with the new strategies to follow to keep our employees, partners, and vendors safe from the pandemic and the like situations in the country.

Basically, we are always prepared to tackle the external uncertainties arising in the market and the internal issues to be addressed on-the-spot. This entirely makes the best work culture where an employee can learn, grow, and exercise his or her expertise with sheer excellence and will power.